Theme: Assessment and Feedback
University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 23-24, 2023
Call for Proposals
The South Asian Language Teachers Association (SALTA) is pleased to announce a two-day international conference, in person on the campus of the University of Wisconsin at Madison on June 23-24, Friday-Saturday, 2023 (limited online facility for international participants).
The theme of this year’s conference is “Assessment and Feedback.” How do we know when our students are successful? Which standards do we use and how do they align with our courses’ curricula? How do we provide effective feedback? How do we assess ourselves, our programs, our innovations, and our goals? This conference aims to bring together teachers of South Asian languages of all experience levels and all backgrounds to share and discuss these and similar questions to expand the horizon of South Asian language teaching.
SALTA solicits proposals for panels, individual presentations, and workshops on relevant topics related to the above theme. Each session will be 90 minutes long with 3 panelists/presenters; individual presentations will be 20 minutes long. A proposal should include the name(s) of presenters/panelists and a short description (200-300 words) of your proposed panel/presentation. Proposals and presentations for the main sessions should be in English; additional panels and workshops in other languages may be arranged. If proposing a panel, please include a brief abstract of the panel (approximately 100 words) in addition to the individual paper abstracts. Please send your proposals to conference@mysalta.org by Monday, April 24, 2023. Selected panels and presentations will be announced by May 1.
Conference registration is free for SALTA members, $35 for professionals, and $25 for students (payment of conference fee will confer membership for the remainder of 2023). Teachers of less-commonly taught South Asian languages are especially encouraged to apply. To register, please click the following link: https://forms.gle/LCQAMPCoZS3obwor5.
For questions, please email conference@mysalta.org.
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