AIPS Conference Travel Grants

IPS Conference Travel Grants fund travel to scholarly conferences for the presentation of papers or organization of panels on topics relevant to Pakistan Studies.
*Currently, AIPS does not have funds for travel grants for presenting research at scholarly conferences for non-US applicants at this time. Please check with AIPS ( regarding funding options for non-US citizens.
All AIPS Conference Travel Grant applications will be reviewed on a quarterly basis.
Awards:  All applications will undergo a competitive review process consistent with the goals and aims of the organization.
1. Domestic (up to $1,000; average awards of $600 reimbursement for conference travel)
2. International (up to $2,000; average awards of $1,200 reimbursement for conference travel); Must be a US citizen.
*Limited funds for International Conference Travel Grants
Eligibility and Criteria:
• Must be an AIPS Individual Member at the time of application; if accepted, must maintain membership for the duration of the program
• Must have written proof of proposal acceptance from the conference organizer(s)
• Must present at an invited conference or workshop; invited single lectures are not eligible
• Presentation must be relevant to Pakistan Studies
• Application must be for a future conference and, hence, future travel
• International travel to Pakistan is limited to post-doctoral, US citizen applicants for Islamabad and Lahore only.  Travel is subject to US State Department security restrictions.
• Capped to one per person per year
• Preference to those who have not received a travel grant in the previous two years
How to Apply:
• Verify your eligibility by reading the above “Eligibility and Criteria”
• Email the AIPS office at to confirm availability of travel funds and request access to the Conference Travel Grant application
• Follow the instructions provided by AIPS staff
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