Funding and fees


Program Fees

Due to Federal Budget cuts, SASLI has had to re-negotiate its program fees.  However, all applicants who submit a complete SASLI application are eligible to receive a $1000 Fee Remission. Please note that there are some restrictions on combined funding.

The SASLI 2017 program costs $4,800. Program fees cover tuition, fees, and expenditures for cultural events. The program fee includes the UW-Madison segregated fees. The program fee does not include the cost of textbooks, living expenses, or the new student transcript fee. The new student transcript fee will be charged by UW-Madison to any student who has never taken a course at UW-Madison. The fee is $130 and will be assessed only one time per student, with the benefit of unlimited transcript orders. If you have already taken a course at UW-Madison, you should not have to pay the fee.

SASLI is open to undergraduates, graduate students and non-student professionals. UW Madison in-state undergraduates will be charged regular undergraduate tuition for 8 credits as posted on the UW Registrar’s Office Website.

SASLI is an 8-week session and all students must enroll for the full session. All students will be billed for the full session at the start of SASLI and no refunds will be issued after the first Friday of classes. If you have an emergency and must leave SASLI, please contact SASLI administration before you leave, or you may lose all of your program fee. See the SASLI Refund page for more details.

Your bill is accessible through your My-UW account (click the ‘Financial’ tab). Payment is done through the University of Wisconsin-Madison Office of the Registrar Bursar’s Office. If you have questions regarding payment procedures, deadlines, and notifications, the office can be reached directly at: You may also contact Student Accounts and Cashiering at (608) 262-3611.

If you receive a FLAS or Fee Remission, these payments will be sent directly to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Bursar’s Office, and will be listed on your My-UW account. If someone will be sponsoring you to attend SASLI (i.e. paying your tuition), please visit the 3rd-Party Payments page. For information on fellowship and fee remission opportunities, please visit the funding page.

You can find information on institutional and 3rd-party tuition payments here.