Instructor Resources

University Resources

As a large research institution, the University of Wisconsin – Madison has a large number of available resources ranging from library catalogues and film archives to sports facilities and cultural centers. SASLI has compiled a few of these resources here:

If you are interested in what the many libraries on campus and within the UW system have to offer, we encourage you to check out the following page:

As an educator, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with what is available to you and your students in the case of physical and mental health. University Health Services is one place in which students can seek medical attention at little to no cost. Below are some resources on where to direct your students should they reach out with any concerns.

University Health Services

University Health Services has available mental health, physical health, and well-being services available to all students at the University. Though this summer is remote, UHS will be providing a (limited) number of their services via online appointments. A full list of what is accessible to you can be found here:

UHS Email:
UHS Phone: 608-265-5600

24-hour mental health crisis line: 608-265-5600 option 9

It is just as important to take care of your health and wellbeing throughout the program as any other aspect of your teaching. The SASLI Staff and UW-Madison are all available for you when needed. We understand an intensive program brings it challenges and strongly encourage you to reach out if you are feeling overwhelmed.

Below, are a few resources to help you and your students navigate your well-being throughout the summer. These include ways to check-in with yourself, tips for managing stress, and Campus Services. Please note, some of these are only available to UW-Madison students, however, may be applicable to your circumstances as an instructor as well.

As you formulate your course materials, we encourage you to do so to be as inclusive and accessible as possible. For tips on what this looks like, as well as how to gain accessibility resources yourself, please visit this page:

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Academic Expectations and Best Practices for SASLI Instructors

  • Provide students with a weekly plan (which aligns with the course goals stated in the syllabus) detailing the tentative topics covered each day along with corresponding assignments.  Notify students in person and through the course LMS when there are any major revisions to the weekly plan.
  • Provide students with a vocabulary list of each new topic at least one day in advance so that students can adequately prepare contributions for the next day’s class (in addition to looking up their own vocabulary items).
  • Assign a variety of written and spoken assignments relevant to the materials covered so that students receive regular feedback on their writing across themes and contexts.  Homework where students receive thorough feedback on their progress in the course should be assigned daily.
  • Create a variety of opportunities for students to practice active listening skills, including individual and group activities both in and outside of the classroom.
  • Structure conversational portions of the class period with adequate time for student preparation, providing clearly guided questions, facilitating student responses, and ensuring balanced participation.
  • Employ creative classroom management strategies to allow all students to contribute equally to the collective learning space.
  • Maintain neutrality on students’ expressed opinions in classroom discussions in the target-language, acting primarily as the facilitator and guide in such exercises rather than providing your own assessment of students’ views.

Resources for Remote Language Educators

Dr. Emily Hellmich at the University of Arizona has created a resource for working with texts online in the remote language classroom environment:

Resources for Social Justice and Anti-Racism in the L2 Classroom

The Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL) at the University of Arizona has started a list of resources for Social Justice and Anti-Racism in the L2 classroom: